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CEE Corrosion Environment Evaluation

– a holis­tic approach to reduc­ing cor­ro­sion in boil­ers and an impor­tant com­po­nent of opti­mi­sa­tion strate­gies and risk management

The CEE® (Cor­ro­sion Envi­ron­ment Eval­u­a­tion) con­cept devel­oped by CheMin is based on a holis­tic sur­vey and assess­ment of the entire cor­ro­sion envi­ron­ment. It looks at the ther­mal, mechan­i­cal and chem­i­cal influ­ences which plants that are oper­at­ed with waste, sub­sti­tute fuel and bio­mass are exposed to. We record these influ­ences both dur­ing oper­a­tion (online) and dur­ing stand­still (offline).

Our mea­sure­ments and analy­ses (a diag­no­sis) final­ly lead to an eval­u­a­tion (a prog­no­sis), from which mea­sures can be derived (opti­mi­sa­tion).

This pro­ce­dure sup­ports and accel­er­ates adap­ta­tion process­es that are trig­gered in exist­ing pow­er plants by var­i­ous require­ments, including

  • Adap­tion of the exist­ing oper­a­tional situation
  • Adap­ta­tion of fuel and/or firing
  • Adap­tion of mate­r­i­al pro­tec­tion concepts
  • Adap­ta­tion of steam parameters
  • Use of cor­ro­sion-reduc­ing additives

These improve­ment mea­sures ulti­mate­ly serve to secure eco­nom­ic and eco­log­i­cal goals, such as

  • low­er main­te­nance costs
  • high­er availability
  • longer ser­vice life and longer oper­a­tion times
  • high­er ener­gy efficiency

The holis­tic record­ing of inter­ac­tions by means of CEE is of par­tic­u­lar rel­e­vance in the first years of a boiler’s life. It is a mat­ter of ear­ly recog­ni­tion of risks and the poten­tial for opti­mi­sa­tion as well as of a deep­er under­stand­ing of the chem­i­cal and ther­mal process­es. This is an impor­tant build­ing block for tech­ni­cal oper­a­tion man­age­ment with a high eco­nom­ic and eco­log­i­cal impact.

For fur­ther infor­ma­tion on CEE, we rec­om­mend our paper giv­en at the 53rd Pow­er Plant Tech­nol­o­gy Sym­po­sium 2021.