Sulphation Probe

Sul­phur-based addi­tives are used in high-tem­per­a­ture-process­es to reduce foul­ing and corrosion.

CheMin sup­ports plant oper­a­tors with our sul­pha­tion probe, which opti­mizes the process of addi­tive addi­tion by estab­lish­ing the best type and amount of addi­tive to use, and the best loca­tion to deploy it. The probe indi­rect­ly detects the avail­able amount of SO3 at the mea­sure­ment loca­tion. When used at dif­fer­ent posi­tions of the boil­er the probe can mea­sure the effect of the additive.

The probe has a very sim­ple struc­ture, con­sist­ing of a trans­port mod­ule on which a spec­i­men hold­er is attached. This con­tains flakes of stron­tium chlo­ride which react with sul­phur tri­ox­ide to form stron­tium sul­phate. The extent of con­ver­sion shows the effect of the addi­tive and the accu­mu­lat­ed amount of SO3 at the loca­tion of the measurement.

Online mea­sure­ment requires only suit­able open­ings in the boil­er, which means no extra infra­struc­ture is need­ed. The probe is exposed to the flue gas for the mea­sure­ments, and lat­er analysed in the laboratory.

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