Mobile high-temperature camera probe

In many cas­es, the images and films record­ed by the mobile air-cooled HT cam­era probe by them­selves allow direct con­clu­sions to be drawn about opti­mi­sa­tion pos­si­bil­i­ties. But linked with exist­ing mea­sure­ment data (such as air vol­umes, tem­per­a­tures, pres­sures, exhaust gas com­po­si­tion and heat flow), the record­ings are also an essen­tial build­ing block for improv­ing process­es. This also applies to the com­par­i­son of images of dif­fer­ent oper­at­ing con­di­tions. In addi­tion, the HT cam­era is an excel­lent tool for observ­ing the spray pat­tern of inject­ed addi­tives which allows nec­es­sary cor­rec­tions to be made. The cam­era allows us to observe and opti­mise clean­ing effects. We use the mobile HT cam­era to opti­mal­ly posi­tion tem­per­a­ture sen­sors or oth­er probes.